Ashes to Ashes
Team size: 14 | Technical Director
Third-person shooter made with Unreal 5; quickly passed 100,000 downloads on Steam
Built a robust and scalable shooting and magic system in C++
Created Blueprint tools for designers to quickly add new hexes into the game and create hex combos
Procedurally animated the main character using Unreal 5's Control Rig system
Stylized the game with an outline shader, a "spirit world" environmental coloration effect, and more
Crustacean Nations
Team size: 8 | Lead Programmer, Product Owner
3D stylized RTS where all the units are crabs on the beach, built with Unity and released on Steam
Generated over 60,000 downloads on the Steam store by personally guiding the game’s vision and direction
Implemented a procedural IK system for a colossal spider crab's eight legs
Designed a scalable system architecture to support several interlocking gameplay systems
Performed several graphics and AI optimizations to permit large amounts of units on-screen
Skeletal Animation Framework
Team size: 2
Framework for skeletal animation written in C and implemented into Dan Buckstein's Animal3D
Implemented hierarchical pose structures, FK and IK solvers, and a robust keyframe and clip playback manager
Designed and implemented a comprehensive blend tree system for layering and combining animation clips
Created a node-based graph editor artists and animators can use to build out blend trees
Performed low-level memory optimizations to make sure the program runs efficiently
Wrote a Blender python tool to export rig data to HTR motion capture file format
About Me
I am a software developer and game programmer specializing in gameplay, systems, and animation programming. I am also interested in graphics and visual effects to create stunning and immersive visual experiences that seamlessly tie into gameplay. I graduated from Champlain College in May 2023 with a major in Game Programming and a minor in mathematics. I enjoy working with artists and designers to take ideas and magically convert them to well-structured video game systems. Outside of game development, I enjoy rock climbing, reading and practicing mindfulness.
See my resume for skills and qualifications.